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Second Century Stewardship Awards 2019 Fellowships for research in Acadia National Park
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Second Century Stewardship awards 2019 fellowships for research in Acadia National Park

by David E Shaw

As founder of this science program for America’s national parks, I’m pleased to share this news:

Three scientists have been awarded fellowships to conduct research in Acadia National Park as part of Second Century Stewardship, an initiative of the National Park Service and Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park.

Second Century Stewardship was launched in 2016 upon the centennial of the National Park Service to provide high quality scientific research for park stewardship, build public appreciation for science, and pursue solutions to critical issues for parks and society. The collaboration is initially focused at Acadia National Park in Maine, with plans to partner with national parks across the country currently underway.

Three research fellows have been named for 2019:

  • Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, David H. Smith Conservation Research Postdoctoral Fellow, Climate Change Institute, University of Maine
  • Kate Ruskin, lecturer and undergraduate director, Ecology and Environmental Sciences Program, University of Maine
  • Stephanie Spera, assistant professor of geography, University of Richmond

David Shaw, founder of Second Century Stewardship, applauded the new fellows, and overall  progress of the program that has awarded nine fellowships to date. “These research fellowships harness the power of modern science to explore issues of great importance. Congratulations to the fellows, and to Schoodic Institute and Acadia National Park for their leadership in a program with such compelling and far reaching implications for wise, science-based stewardship of our natural world,” said Shaw.

Read more HERE